Horseradish Infused Vodka (Maror Shots for Passover)
One of the steps in the Passover Seder is the blessing over, and consumption of, bitter herbs (known as maror). Most Jews use horseradish for the maror and whether you eat it straight from the root or prepared from the jar, it is sure to clear out your sinuses (and recall the suffering of slavery). But what if you were to drink a shot of ice-cold horseradish-infused vodka? You should really try this; you won't go back. This recipe was inspired by the horseradish vodka served at Chicago's Russian Tea Time restaurant.
Recipe for Maror Shots
1 bottle of good potato vodka, preferably made from potato
4 oz horseradish root, peeled and sliced thin.
2 tbsp peppercorns
Dried red chili peppers, to taste
Combine ingredients in a large, tightly sealed jar. Shake occasionally and let sit for 24-36 hours, tasting occasionally after 24 hours. (Do not let it steep too long; it will be undrinkable.)
When it's strong and to your liking, strain and rebottle. Store in the freezer.
[Bonus holiday hint: If there is any leftover vodka, try breaking your Yom Kippur fast with it in the fall!]